On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 3:11 AM, geni <geniice@gmail.com> wrote:

On 26 June 2014 07:02, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:
The operational word in your mail is "copyright holder". When the party or parties who you INSIST have a copyright deny that they do like the Israeli government does, your whole argument becomes a puddle.

The Israeli government has denied no such thing. All it has stated is that it doesn't hold the copyrights within Israel. We have no documentation of it expressing a position on its overseas copyrights. Is there any part of this you don't understand?

OK, both sides of this debate are now entirely fictional! The Israeli government has not disclaimed any copyrights on these images. The images are public domain in Israel and copyrighted in US. As to whether Israel would choose to assert its US copyrights, no one knows besides the government of Israel. Perhaps someone should ask them, instead of everyone presuming to speak for them.

Ryan Kaldari