This is the chapters report for Wikimedia Sverige May 2010.

== Events ==
*We gave a one hour presentation to Mensa Stockholm.
*We were invited to talk at Socialmediapedia [1] arranged by University of Borås.

== Board meetings ==
*During May we had one board meeting, minutes are available in Swedish. [2]

== Book ==
*Regionarkivet, who donated some very old photos last summer, finally got the book ready, with text in Swedish, English and French. Blog in Swedish and English. [3]

== Picture donation ==
*We helped Bonniers to release pictures of authors under a free license. WMF blogged about it. [4]

== References ==
* [1]
* [2]ötesprotokoll/Protokoll_2010-05-10
* [3]
* [4]

Jan Ainali

Bli medlem i Wikimedia Sverige: 100 kr till bankgiro 5822-9915 (skriv "Medlemsavgift, namn, adress och epost")