Dear best-practices-team!

We are taking big steps forward on existing articles like Assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework to students, and Using Wikibooks in the classroom and on new pages like Building a content partnership with a cultural institution, and Wikimedia loves photography events.

In the last weeks we had inspiring discussions, intensive conference calls with many dedicated Wikipedians, and we were able to engage experts from the outside!

That brought us a lot of attention, comments, and positive feedback from the community!
Thanks to all of you for your hard work and support!

But I have the feeling that we just started and that we are now really picking up speed!

Jan Eissfeld has his hands full to support a variety of university projects starting this fall. And I know that many of you are deeply involved contributing to Wikipedia's mission!
I am eager to hear about your plans! What else can we achieve in the next months? What issues need to be addressed on the best-practices pages?

How could you contribute to this? Who else could join our team?
Do you know of any interesting activities in the chapters?
Should we change/ improve our communication channels (IRC-meetings)?

Please, share your ideas, thoughts, or plans with us (you can also use the planning calendar): )

Thanks again for your wonderful support!
