Hello analytics folks!

My name is Abel Serrano Juste (alias Quasipodo in Wikimedia, akronix in Github).

I'm considering to do GSoC with WMF this summer and I'd like it to do it with the analytics team as my recent experience is mainly in this topic. For instance, I propose to implement this one: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T195033 as I'm already very familiar with the topic (I'm the presentor of the talk which, eventually, opened that ticket). However I am open to listen any other ideas / suggestions.

About me: I'm currently ending my master in Data Science and I should be done by the middle of June. I have previously attended to a couple of wikimedia hackathons and I'm familiar with mediawiki analysis and data visualization (I'm the developer of WikiChron: http://wikichron.science/ ). I'm quite fluent in Python. You can have a look also to my github profile: https://github.com/Akronix/. Furthermore, I have been working for two years in the academia doing research on wikis (smaller than wikipedia ones) and published some articles on the matter: https://www.akronix.es/publications.html

Here are some information that GSoC mentors need to know, in case you are not familiar with it:

Best wishes and take care,

Abel Serrano Juste.