Hello everyone,

I think a wiki can be identified by site name as well. For example, when I talk about English Wikipedia, everybody know I'm talking about enwiki aka en.wikipedia.org

This applies to non-content wikis as well, Wikimania 2018 is a way how to identify wikimania2018wiki aka wikimania2018.wikimedia.org

However, I'm not sure if this way should be included in the document Neil wrote or not. I'm just writing it here, to be dicsused, included or abandoned. 


Dne st 27. čvn 2018 4:35 uživatel Jon Katz <jkatz@wikimedia.org> napsal:
Thanks, Neil!  I think this is a very useful distinction.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 6:40 PM Neil Patel Quinn <nquinn@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hey everyone!

As you probably know, the Wikimedia cluster includes not just "normal" wikis like English Wikipedia and Albanian Wiktionary, but odd ones like the Wikimedia Belgium chapter website, Test Wikidata, and the English Wikipedia Working Group on Ethnic and Cultural Edit Wars wiki.

As far as I know, however, there's no standard definition of "normal" wiki to use when doing analysis.

So I've started meta:Research:Wiki with draft definitions of "public wikis" and "content wikis", along with some initial documentation about wiki metadata (names, project groups, etc.) which I plan to continue to work on.

I encourage you to edit or comment on the talk page!

Neil Patel Quinn (he/him/his)
product analyst, Wikimedia Foundation
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