Thanks, Mike.

Many of the professors are still looking for an Online Ambassador, as you can see on the Course Page list (and here is the link to the Canada program's Course Pages. If you'd like to choose a course (or more than one!), we can finalize the pods for the semester much more quickly. I have directed professors to reach out to OAs, but they may not have yet completed the Professor Orientation Modules and may still be struggling to figure out how to post to your talk pages. :)

Please also email me separately (off-list, please) if you're a Campus Ambassador who is still interested in participating this semester and has not yet spoken to a professor. We want to increase all ambassador support for the semester, so there may still be a professor on your campus who could use some more support!

Thanks, all!

Also, thanks to all who responded so quickly and joined the IRC chatroom!

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Mike Christie <> wrote:
I hadn't seen an announcement that we should start signing up -- did I miss it?  I've been pretty busy so that's quite likely.  Could you resend a link to the current page where interested ambassadors should go to sign up for a course?



On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Jami Mathewson <> wrote:
Hi Ambassadors,

Some classes are getting started now, and students have been coming on
to IRC to test it out recently -- so we need to make sure we have
people in the chat room when students come in to ask for help!

Whenever you have some time, please hang out in the chat room to help
any students who come by. It's the #wikipedia-en-classroom channel on

You can join here:

Or if you'd like information on using a client for your operating system, see:

Please also check out the Guidelines for the channels:

Thank you!

Jami Mathewson
U.S. Education Program Associate
Wikimedia Foundation

Ambassador-announce-l mailing list

Jami Mathewson
U.S. Education Program Associate
Wikimedia Foundation