Labs had a DNS blip that caused ORES to be down for a few minutes (between 14:59 and 15:04 UTC) today. Everything seems to be back to normal now.

FromĀ #wikimedia-labsconnect:

[10:32:25] <YuviPanda> halfak: temp dns blip
[10:32:36] <halfak> Gotcha.  Thanks YuviPanda 
[10:32:57] <halfak> was it big enough to warrant a write-up?
[10:33:13] <halfak> If not, I'll just post "temp DNS blib" to my ORES users and call it good.
[10:33:39] <YuviPanda> halfak: probably not, since we're doing a bunch of DNS stuff in the next few days to shore up DNS
[10:34:20] <halfak> kk