Excellent monohomodou and Rex!

On Dec 16, 2014 10:34 AM, "Nkansah Rexford" <nkansahrexford@gmail.com> wrote:

I'll try translating to Akan by end of today.

Thanks for the links

rexford | google.com/+Nkansahrexford

On Dec 16, 2014 9:30 AM, "Mohomodou Houssouba" <mh@bollag-areal.ch> wrote:
Dear Emmanuel,

Thank you for the information and the links. I translated it into Songhay (ses) in which Translatewiki has already been localized.

Best regards,

On 11.12.14 11:49, Emmanuel Engelhart wrote:

at Kiwix, we do our best to support as much as possible the "local/minor" languages. That means providing offline versions of smaller wikis but also provide localised user interface.

Kiwix user interface is localised by volunteers on Translatewiki. You can get there a good overview of the current status for each language:

Kiwix user interface is already translated in more than 100 languages but you can see by yourself that many essential African languages are still not fully translated. For this reason we can't integrate them as "supported language" to the software.

Thus, this would be really great if a few readers of this mailing list help to improve Kiwix localisation in their mother tongue. Translate the whole set of strings in one language takes only a few hours and can really benefit to thousands of Kiwix users (but many of the languages are already partly translated).

Here is how to start:

Thank you in advance for your help.


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